About Us
““To see change take place in people and their communities, the knowledge of God and literacy are key”
OUR ORIGINS - Where it all began
Starfish Malawi was founded by Chris Knott in 2003 after he received an unsolicited letter asking him if he would like to help build a church in Malawi. Having never been to Malawi, Chris wrote back tentatively, but he later made the decision to visit Malawi. What he had seen and heard on that trip made a huge impression on Chris and within a year of it, Chris had sold his insurance business and became passionately involved with the land of Malawi.
Starfish Malawi was born through the support of 25 dedicated followers who were also inspired to make a difference.
From its earliest beginnings, churches and schools have shared in Starfish Malawi's vision, and through their heartfelt donations over the years, Starfish Malawi has continued to grow and develop from strength to strength.
We are always reminded that all this joyous work came from God’s initiative to respond to the initial call for help.
““Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.””
Galatians 6:9
Starfish Malawi believes that to be made in the image of God defines us as human. By our behaviour, attitude and actions we reflect and mirror something of the character of God. Our work realises the calling upon us which is “building the Kingdom of God in the lives of children.”
Chris Knott: Founder and Chair of Trustees
Chris Knott - Founder and Chair of Trustees- Pictured on one of his many visits to Malawi - 2005
“Jesus brings the Kingdom through his life, death and resurrection. It brings blessing to those who are part of it. It is not for the proud and powerful, but for the humble and weak “It is like a treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.” ”
Matthew 13; 44.
“Showing God’s Love in Action to all we work with”
Our Vision
is a just world where every child is educated, healthy and cared for.
Our Mission
is to reduce extreme poverty and build the Kingdom of God in the lives of children, through collaborative work within communities, schools and churches in the UK and Malawi.
6 Key Facts About Starfish Malawi
We are Christian in calling and outlook, seeking to share God’s love with others. We were founded in 2003 by Chris Knott, following a mission trip to Kenya and Malawi that changed his outlook on life.
We are working in one of the world’s poorest countries with an average life expectancy of 65 and 50% of Malawians Are Living Below The Poverty Line And 20% Are Living In Extreme Poverty.
We have a unique relationship with the people and local organisations that we work with in Malawi, to empower change from within and seek to involve the communities in their own destiny. So that they do not repeat the cycle of poverty.
We believe education has the power to break the cycle of poverty - we support young people in Malawi to complete their education and have the opportunity to improve their own lives and the communities where they live.
We believe everyone has the right to be happy and healthy, so our projects provide the poorest families with access to basic healthcare. We also promote the rights of girls and women in all we do as we believe in gender equality.
We support and work with church leaders within Salima in the study of the word of God through providing Christian libraries, so they can act as positive role models within the community. We also work with schools, churches and communities in the UK.
““And if you spend yourselves on behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday””