Get in touch

We would love to hear from you, Please click the link below and send us a message

If you are calling from outside of the UK add +44 and remove the 0

You can also send us a message by whatsapp

Contact Email Addresses:

Chris Knott - Founder and Chair of Trustees -

Emmanuel Uwaezuoke - CEO -

Fiona Gibbon - Secondary School Sponsorship Coordinator -

Cathy Penfold - Schools Linking Coordinator -

Peter Bell - Head of Marketing and Fundraising -

Nikkie Mort - Treasurer -

Nikkie Mort - Administrator -

Useful Telephone Numbers:

Head Office Contact Number - 01580 850 251

Marketing and Fundraising Contact Number - 07774 862 716

Treasurer’s Contact Number - 07368 153 551

Admin Contact Number - 07368 153 551

News page - Picture 1.png

UK Head Office Address : Starfish Malawi, Alderden Cottage, Sponden Lane, Sandhurst, Kent, TN18 5NR

“Working with Starfish Malawi is such a delight. Everyday different aspects of the work are considered as we see projects grow and develop.” Nikkie Mort, UK Administrator