Children's Clubs
"We are so encouraged when we witness how children who attend our clubs are slowly transformed in their behaviour and spiritual development." - Pastor Yona Bornwell
Who does it help?
Children, including orphans, in poor communities in Malawi. We currently have 15 centres led by 45 Leaders and a total of 1594 children registered. Accumulatively, since the programme began in 2008, we’ve had 2482 children registered.
What does it involve?
The 15 Children's Club centres are based at Mtemeiti, Lifuwu, Mkonkha, Malapa, Katerera, Chapita, Gwirize, Takomana, Rashidi, Kaputu, Kasamala, Glad Tidings - Ngolowindo, Msangu, Gaga and Katitima. The Children’s clubs provide a safe environment for children to grow. The Starfish team in Malawi oversees these clubs weekly, run by trained volunteers and youth leaders. In the safe environment of the Children's Clubs, leaders teach the children safe ways to live so that they can maximise their joy in a country where poverty is rife. This includes teaching about HIV AIDS, health and safety, farming and healthy relationships.
Each of the youth club leaders is trained by Starfish staff and provided with as many resources as possible.
When Starfish receive goods from the container, such as shoes, blankets, toys and educational resources sent by the UK, these are distributed amongst the children.
Why are we doing this?
These clubs provide a place of fun and joy for the children, where they can play games and take part in artwork and other areas of creativity.
When Jesus saw that the disciples were rebuking the people for bringing their little children to Jesus, it says, he was indignant. "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these"...and he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them (Mark 10:13-26). Starfish Malawi wishes to bring the same blessing in a land where poverty is rife.
In Jesus' day, both women and children were marginalised, but Jesus broke the mould of the day. "Whoever welcomes a little child in my name welcomes me".
Photo: Orlando team receiving first prize from Bornwell Yona (Children's Club Coordinator) as Emmanuel Uaewzuoke (Country Director) looks on.
Youth Outreach Bonanza
The Youth Outreach Bonanza is a special annual event that reaches out to youth in the community with the Gospel through sport. The activity is part of our annual evangelistic outreach, targeting Children’s Clubs and other groups, where Starfish seeks to preach Christ to the youngsters.
Approx 16 teams take part each year (8 football and 8 for netball). Teams such as Top-ten Orlando, Umodzi, Starfish, Young Rangers, Mtemeiti, GTOC and Bulamo competing in healthy rivalry against each other.
Case Study
pPhoto: Dumisani Jere and his brother Fishan.
Dumisani Jere, (left photo), whose name means ‘give praise’, attends the club held on Saturday mornings at GTOC. He said that he did not know how to pray, but now he is growing in confidence in this area.
He also tended to be aggressive and “fond of fighting”; however, this too has changed. As you can see the children’s clubs really impact children and young people of all ages.
pPhoto: Bridget Jackson (treasurer) helping out at the Saturday Children's Club at Glad Tidings.