Our Prayer Focus

We want to provide you with up-to-date information about one of  our projects each month so that you can pray into the work that we are doing in Malawi and become more aware of what is happening throughout the year. We hope you find these informative and a useful tool for prayer.

July 2024 

Prayer is such a powerful tool for all Christian ministry.
Thank you for joining with us in prayer as we focus on our work in Malawi.


This month we would encourage you to join us in prayer for the work that Starfish does in schools across the Salima region. 

We are reaching many hundreds of children each week with the gospel of Christ through Bible Explorer, engaging with them in interactive activities through After Schools Clubs and teaching them how to live better lives through the Cherish and Courage programmes.

Please pray for:

  • The Bible Explorer teachers and trainers as they learn the new hand signs.

  • Safety in travel as the teams visit schools by bicycle, that can be 2 hours apart.

  • An eagerness in the students to listen and learn what is being taught.

  • A real impact by God on the lives of the children.  

  • Good teaching and learning through the after-school clubs.

  • More teachers to volunteer to help with the clubs.

  • Effective and strong relationships to grow from the Cherish and Courage groups so that the children can stand firm on the Christian values being taught.


Give praise for –

  • The development of Bible Explorer into 30 more schools.

  • The dedication of those on the teams.

  • The volunteers who run the after-school clubs.

  • The number of children that Starfish can reach through these programmes.

Testimonies from the children about the impact that the Cherish and Courage courses are having on them.


Cherish girls at Holy Ghost Temple with the new resources given by the Mission Direct Team.

Starfish was born to create a world of difference, one by one!

“Without prayer, we can do nothing, for God provides for us and
those we seek to serve”

Peter Bell, Head of Fundraising & Marketing

July 2024 - Prayer Focus

June 2024 - Prayer Focus

May 2024 - Prayer Focus

April 2024 - Prayer Focus

March 2024 - Prayer Focus

February 2024 - Prayer Focus