Our Prayer Focus
We want to provide you with up-to-date information about one of our projects each month so that you can pray into the work that we are doing in Malawi and become more aware of what is happening throughout the year. We hope you find these informative and a useful tool for prayer.
October 2024
Prayer is such a powerful tool for all Christian ministry.
Thank you for joining with us in prayer as we focus on our work in Malawi.
This month we invite you to pray for those who are less fortunate than ourselves in Malawi.
We would like to focus on the Christian resource libraries that Starfish run especially those located in the rural villages.
Pastors and their church families find it difficult to find good quality Christian books to read and to study.
Our libraries have become a focus of discussion and dialogue about Christian matters, which has stimulated better understanding of issues affecting all people.
Please pray for
Bornwell as he leads this project, that he will have wisdom in choosing books for each library from those donated to us.
For the Pastors who run the satellite libraries that they will guide their churches to read and learn from the books.
For opportunities for those who use the libraries to share and discuss what they have read and learnt with others.
For a plentiful supply of good books to enable the stocks to be changed regularly.
For many in the churches to engage and become members of a library.
For security for the books as they are lent out.
For those involved in all the libraries to be encouraging and providing feedback
Pastor Bornwell Yona
Praise for
Plans to open another satellite Library at Chankhungu in Dowa.
Open days for pastors to bring church members to libraries.
Pastors being helped to attain their degrees by studying books from the libraries
The impact the clinic is making in people’s lives.
Starfish was born to create a world of difference, one by one!
“Without prayer, we can do nothing, for God provides for us and
those we seek to serve”
Peter Bell, Head of Fundraising & Marketing