General Data Protection Regulation
The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect on 25th May 2018. This has strengthened the Data Protection legislation concerning the use of personal data. At Starfish Malawi we need to make sure that we comply with all current regulations and therefore updated our database system so that we can hold personal data securely ensuring that we have supporter’s details displayed correctly and most importantly have their consent to do so.
Everyone who asks to join our mailing list will be asked about giving their consent for us to hold their details.
Our Privacy Notice includes the information that you need to know about your rights and what we need to do to protect your data.
Please click here to view.
The key points of the new regulations are:
We will only be able to contact you if you have given your explicit permission for us to do so.
You will have the right to ask us to amend or delete your personal data from the database and to withdraw consent – “the right to be forgotten”. You also have the right to complain to the relevant authority.
You may ask to have a copy, free of charge, of the information that we hold on you and to be told how it is processed and used and to require us to change it if it is incorrect – “the right of access”.
Your data must be kept private, and is strictly processed by the person processing it.
Your personal information may be used for marketing purposes only to provide information on our activities and fundraising. You may opt out by emailing:, to request removal of your data.
The data will be kept on our database whilst you are a supporter, donor or partner of Starfish Malawi. It contains names and essential contact information which are used to enable us to prepare electronic mailings, newsletters, fundraising campaigns, monthly prayer bulletins, notification of events and other information pertinent to the charity which we consider would be of interest to our supporters.
Our electronic mailings contain a link to our website and may have specific donation opportunities. We communicate regularly with our supporters with our monthly newsletters and prayer bulletins, four fundraising campaigns a year and any specific news on our projects. We hold a record of donations and whether they are eligible for Gift Aid. None of this data is shared with third parties and none of it is used for any other purpose. Our database is “cloud based” through a UK registered company.
Your ongoing consent:
If you are already receiving news and updates from us, it means that we have your ongoing consent and there is nothing further for you to do.
If you do not currently receive any updates from us and would like to, please fill in the online form below. This will act as your consent for us to hold your information on our database.
Your consent and preferences can be given to us by emailing our Administrator, Nikkie on